- 信息详情
河北博柯莱自动化包装有限公司为河北省重点项目 ,公司厂区占地130亩,投资1.2亿元 ,是一座现代化的以自主研发为主导的生产型企业。专业从事自动包装流水线的设计、制造、工业机器人系统应用等。公司通过了ISO9000、IQnet国际管理体系认证。公司设有企管办、生产部、品保部、营销部、财务部、技术部、机器人事业部、人力资源部、基建后勤部等组织结构,生产部下设金工车间、钣金车间和5个装配车间等。公司产品按照欧洲工艺要求,精工细作,科技含量高,生产工艺先进,有多种机型为国内首创,国际*先。产品有装箱机、封箱机、开箱机、码垛机、热收缩包装机、工业机器人等。目前已在上海、广州、天津、成都等地设立办事处 ,产品出口十几个国家 ;在国内同行业中技术*先 ;为国内同行业规模*大的龙头企业 。COMPANY PROFILEAs an important project of Hebei province-Hebei Boxline Automation packingCo.,Ltd covers 130 Chinese mu with investment of 120 million Chinese yuan.It is amodern production enterprise with independent research ability,specializes indesign and manufacture of automatic packing flow-line and application of industrialrobot system,etc.The Co has passed ISO9001,IQnet international managementsystem certification.There are enterprise management office,productiondepartment,quality department,sales department,finance section,technologydepartment,robot affairs department,staff resource department,base-construction and supply department and other organizations.There are metalworkworkshop,plate work workshop and five assembly workshop in the productiondepartment.All products are manufactured according to European technologyrequirment with high science and advanced technology.Many machine styles areorigination in China and advanced in the world.Our products include casing machine,sealing machine,heat-shrink machine,palletizers and industrial robots,etc.At present,wehave set up Shanghai,Guangzhou,Tianjin and Chendu agencies.Our products are exportedto more than 10 countries.It is a leading enterprise with the biggest scale and advancedtechnology in the same trade in China.
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- 信息资料
信息名称: | 河北博柯莱自动化包装有限公司 |
信息栏目: | 企业简介 联系方式 |
单位电话: | 0310-6661806-8037 |
单位地址: | 中国河北永年县中国.河北省邯郸市永年东南开发区 |
经营范围: | 热收缩机,装箱机,开箱机,封箱机,包装线,码垛机,捆扎机,输送线, |
网页版本: | 手机版 电脑版 |